11th Class Smart Syllabus 2020 for all Punjab boards
Download 1st Year (Inter Part-1) Smart Syllabus 2020 announced by Government under ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) for all boards of Punjab.

If you are in search 1st Year Smart Syllabus 2020 for upcoming exams, you are at the right the place. Here is "Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) for Inter Part-1" in PDF format.
The Government has issued this document in which it has reduced 30% syllabus for the annual exam of 11th class. Due to Covid-19 and lockdown situations, all nine boards of Punjab decide to reduce syllabus of inter classes as their classes started late with the delay of 2-3 months. In this offically issued PDF, topics and page numbers are mentioned which are included for the upcoming exam.
Also keep in mind that there will be no change in the paper pattern. The annual exam will be held according to last’s year schedule and there will be no change in the paper pattern of FA/FSC/ICS Part 1
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Alternative Search Titles:
11th ALP Smart Syllabus PDF
1st Year Smart Syllabus 2020 PDF
Inter-I Smart Syllabus PDF by Punjab Govt.
Inter Part-1 ALP PDF
FSc. Part-I Smart Syllabus
Class XI Smart Syllabus
Special thanks for this post: taleemcity.com