All Classes and Subjects Practice Test Papers
Download Matriculation (9th & 10th) and Intermediate (11th & 12th) Practice Test Papers of all subjects for both English and Urdu medium students.

9th Class Test Papers
Download Matric Part-1 (Class IX) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Computer Science, Pak Studies, Islamiat and Urdu Best Practice Tests in PDF.

10th Class Test Papers
Download Matric Part-2 (Class X) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Computer Science, Pak Studies, Islamiat and Urdu Best Practice Tests in PDF.

11th Class Test Papers
Download Inter Part-1 (Class XI) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Computer Science, Islamiat and Urdu Best Practice Tests in PDF.

12th Class Test Papers
Download Inter Part-2 (Class XII) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Computer Science, Pak Studies and Urdu Best Practice Tests in PDF.