KIPS Academy Logical Reasoning (IQ - Intelligence) All Lectures
Watch Kips Academy IQ (Intelligence) - Logical Reasoning All Video Lectures for Entry Test 2021 for MDCAT/NMDCAT and all other tests which includes logical reasoning questions.

If you are in search of Kips Academy IQ (Intelligence) Lectures for Entry Test (MDCAT/NMDCAT and other tests) then you are at right place. Here is your desired content:
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-1 (Lecture#1)
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-2 (Lecture#2)
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-3 (Lecture#3)
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-4 (Lecture#4)
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-5 (Lecture#5)
- Series(Numerically and Alphabetically) Part-6 (Lecture#6)
- Alphanumerical Series (Lecture#7)
- Test-1 Discussion (Lecture#8)
- Coding Decoding Type-1 Part-1 (Lecture#9)
- Coding Decoding Type-1 Part-2 (Lecture#10)
- Coding Decoding Type-2 (Lecture#11)
- Coding Decoding Type-4 (Lecture#12)
- Test-2 Discussion (Lecture#13)
- Blood Relations Part-1 (Lecture#14)
- Blood Relations Part-2 (Lecture#15)
- Test-3 Discussion (Lecture#16)
- Direction Sense (Lecture#17)
- Test-4 Discussion (Lecture#18)